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Rules for providing physical culture and sports (health) services

  1. Registration for personal training is made in advance.

  2. Payment for online training peaks and personal training services is made in advance.

  3. The time of personal training can be from 60 to 80 minutes.

  4. In case of being late for personal training, the training time is shortened, the extension of the time of personal training for the time of lateness is possible only with the consent of the trainer and if he has free time that is not occupied by the next personal training.

  5. Cancellation or rescheduling of personal training (with payment still) can be made no later than 24 hours before its start.

  6. In case of skipping, personal training, untimely cancellation or postponement, the training is considered completed.

  7. Missed trainings are not compensated, payment is not refunded.

  8. Training Peaks online training rules.

    The first day of training begins with getting to know the trainer and individual consultation with the client.

    The training schedule is planned by the coach a week in advance.

    The Online Plan includes the possibility of adjusting training during the week, provided the athlete applies in advance. If an athlete misses training, rescheduling is possible only in the presence of a serious illness and discussion in advance.

    Online training gives you the opportunity to contact the trainer in SMS mode 24 hours a day. The response from the trainer is provided from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm / 7 days a week.


  9. Clients who have questions or complaints during training can contact the senior AM trainer.

  10. The client must independently and responsibly monitor the state of his health, in the presence of diseases, as well as other contraindications - he is obliged to notify the trainer and not to endanger his life and health.

  11. The client guarantees that he is in a physical condition that allows him to perform active and passive exercises, and that physical exertion will not harm his health. Thus, he removes all responsibility for his health from the Trifecta Team.

  12. The client bears personal responsibility for his health and medical examinations.

  13. The trainer is obliged to provide the client with his own professional experience in everything related to health, training, equipment and moral support (or qualified and professional personnel involved).

    Additional information for athletes

    If you eat more than four hours before training, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) is possible, which can cause dizziness. If you did not have time to eat and still want to train, we advise you to drink a glass (200-250 ml) of sweet tea (coffee) or sweet juice before and during the class (another 200-250 ml). Warming up is necessary before every workout. The general warm-up includes mobilization of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system on special simulators, various swings, inclines, etc., which will warm up and increase the elasticity of muscle and tendon tissue, as well as prepare the body for further work.

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